Dunedin Garden Club – November Meeting

Dunedin Garden Club November 2, 1 PM Meeting at the Dunedin Library.

Our featured speaker James Stevenson will enlighten us about “Kitchen Botany”.

James is Natural Resources Educator, University of Florida.

He will explore where our fruits and vegetables, herbs & spices really come from & how many come from wild plants.

Guests are welcome!

More info: http://www.facebook.com/dunedingardenclubinc

Dunedin Garden Club November Meeting

The Dunedin Garden Club’s November meeting is Saturday, Nov. 3rd.  The business meeting starts at 1:00 pm at the Dunedin Public Library 223 Douglas Ave, Dunedin, FL 34698 and will be followed by a presentation:  Growing Herbs in Florida By Master Gardeners Marianne Martin and Jan Rosser.   Please join the members of the Dunedin Garden Club as we learn how to create an edible garden of hardy herbs that do well in Florida weather.  All are welcome to attend!

Time:  Business Meeting 1:00 pm followed by Presentation at 2:00 pm

Place:  Dunedin Public Library Meeting Room

Date:  November 3, 2018

Address:  223 Douglas Ave, Dunedin, FL 34698

Briony A. Tomalesky

Publicity/Promotion Chairman

Dunedin Garden Club