47th Annual Scholarship Luncheon & Fashion Show

The Dunedin Youth Guild will host its 47th Annual Scholarship Luncheon and Fashion Show on Saturday, February 29, 2020, at the Dunedin Community Center, 1920 Pinehurst Road, in Dunedin. Doors open for a social hour at 11:00 am and lunch will be served at noon.

Additionally, there will be door prizes and many opportunities will be available to purchase tickets for beautiful items donated by members, generous merchants, and friends of the Dunedin Youth Guild.

The theme for this year’s Fashion Show is “Perfect Vision 20/20” with fashions provided by Chico’s at Westfield Countryside.  Guests will also enjoy a refreshing lunch catered by Marguerite’s Cafe.

The cost is $35.00 per person and reserved tickets can be purchased from any Dunedin Youth Guild member, by calling 727-734-0394, or online by visiting www.dunedinyouthguild.org.  Seating is limited so early ticket purchases are advised.  This event helps support the Scholarship Program for Dunedin students.

For additional information about our organization, please visit our website at www.dunedinyouthguild.org.

Pay Your 2020 Membership Dues Today!

Membership in Dunedin Council of Organizations is up for renewal. 2020 Membership Dues are:

1) Business $50 per year
2) Not-For-Profit Organization $20 per year
3) Individual $15 per year

We want to thank those members who have already renewed. New members who joined after October 1, 2019 do not renew at this time. If your organization has not yet renewed there are two ways to renew your membership:

* Pay your Dues online using a Credit Card, Debit Card or PayPal Account. If your contact info or website/social media have changed, update the attached renewal application, and bring it to the next meeting or mail/email it to us.
* You may also pay by check or cash. Just update the attached renewal application with any changes and mail it with a check, or bring it to the next meeting.


Thank you for your continued participation and support. We look forward to bringing you informative and thought provoking programs in the coming year, as well as opportunities to network with key business leaders and decisionmakers in our community.

Not sure if your organization has renewed? Reply to this email or give me a call at 727-279-0631.

Thank you

Larry Franklin
Membership Chair
Dunedin Council of Organizations