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Rev. Dr. David K. Shelor

Membership: January 1, 2021


Photo of Rev. Dr. David K. Shelor

He has served as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Dunedin since 2016. A native of the mountains of Western North Carolina, Rev. Dr. David K. Shelor has been a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA) for over 20 years. He served the Church in Ghana, West Africa, Georgia, and Florida during that time. In addition to his seminary education, David holds a Master of Science in Positive Organizational Development from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case-Western University (Cleveland). In addition to the church, he founded Florentica Associates and worked as a professionally trained executive coach and consultant, focusing on high-performance teams, organizations, and change.

David is married to Dr. Merry Lynn Morris, a faculty member and the assistant director for dance at the University of South Florida. He has two adult children.