Phyllis Gorshe » Directors

Photo of Phyllis Gorshe

Phyllis Gorshe

City LiaisonDunedin Public Library


Phyllis Gorshe is the Library Director of the Dunedin Public Library. She has been a librarian with the City of Dunedin since 2000. She earned her M.L.S. degree at the University of South Florida – School of Library and Information Science in 1999. She has her B.A. in English Literature from Loyola University – New Orleans.

Phyllis has worked as a Law Librarian, Youth Services Librarian and Reference Librarian. She loves her current job as Director and has worked on numerous initiatives such as online resources, an award winning seed library, collaboration with local organizations and schools along with being involved in libraries and literacy at the County and State level.

Phyllis enjoys spending time with her family in our beautiful community and of course, reading!