Scottish American Society Traditional Robert Burns Night January 31

Join us January 31, 7:00 pm, at the Scottish American Society Hall, for a celebration of the life and work of Scotland’s National Bard, Robert Burns.

In our Traditional Burns Supper, the evening will consist of The Piping in of the Haggis, a great meal of beef and chicken, with rice, potatoes and seasonal vegetables. Accompanied by rolls and salad, and no Burns Supper would be complete without a c taste of the Chieftain of the Pudding Race, THE HAGGIS. And a dessert is also included.

Entertainment will be provided by local pipers, and highland dancers, and recitals of the works of Robert Burns will be presented by the members and guests of the Scottish American Society of Dunedin.

We will toast the Bard himself as well as the lassies and laddies.

Click here for tickets. Ticket price of $30 includes a day membership of the Scottish American Society.

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Dena Hurst